How do I choose the right permissions for my team?

User types and their associated permissions, explained

Nicholas Freund avatar
Written by Nicholas Freund
Updated over a week ago

When you create a workspace in Workstream, one of the first things you will want to do is to invite other team members.

Colleagues on the data team can help set up your workspace and curate content in your Knowledge Repository. You will also eventually want to invite business stakeholders so that they can access content and you can support them via Workstream. Understanding the distinction between our user types will ensure that you give people the right access.

If you are the user who created your workspace, by default you are its Primary Owner. You can invite other users with Owner or Member permissions.


These users have the rights to administer your workspace, as well as full rights to curate assets and manage conversations. We typically recommend that you invite other members of the data team, or citizen analysts embedded across other functions, to your workspace as Owners.

Curating assets

Owners can see all assets in your workspace. They also have full rights to edit their content. Relevant actions to manage your assets include:

Managing conversations

Workspace Owners can also see all conversations in your workspace, and have full rights to manage them. Actions include:

  • Creating new conversations, as well as editing conversation title and description

  • Updating conversation status (new, seen, in progress, solved)

  • Assigning conversation owner

  • Marking conversations as public (aka, creating FAQs)

  • Commenting & inviting other users to participate in conversations


These users have more limited rights. They can only see a subset of assets, and can only view specific conversations within your workspace. We typically recommend that your invite stakeholders across the business as Members.

Available actions

While they can view all curated content, users with Member permissions can take the following actions:

  • Requesting asset certification

  • Bookmarking / upvoting assets

  • Starting new conversations

  • Commenting & inviting other users to participate in conversations

What members can see

Unlike Owners, who can view everything in our web application, Members can only see content that is personally relevant to them. This includes:

  • Conversations they have started or been invited to, including any associated assets

  • Certified assets

  • Assets they have recently viewed natively through the UI of their existing analytics tools

  • Assets that have been shared with them through a collection

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